Best Brain Training with Zox Pro

At Brain Health and Puzzles we aim to be your source for information regarding the healthy function of your brain. We are continually adding new information on every aspect of brain health, from nutrition, to disease info, to brain injury and more! Whether you've arrived here to find out about a certain mental health issue or advice on cognitive training or are looking to maintain a sharp mind, you've arrived at the right place!
Basic Brain Facts

Learning about the brain can be daunting task, but with our help we can make it easy and understandable. Did you know that studying the brain started in ancient times with the greeks and egyptians? They discovered many facts on the human brain that still hold true today.

One of the keys of brain health is proper brain nutrition. If you're noticing your mental abilities slowing down or sluggish, good first place to look is at your diet. You need to keep your brain fueled with the proper energy and provide it with plenty of raw material to build and repair itself. There are loads of healthy foods out there that boost your brain and most of them are delicious! Brain health can be tasty!

Brain disease and illness can sometimes feel like a very confusing topic. It can be very frightening and overwhelming to deal with a disease that you aren't really familiar with. But with a little help from us we hope to help you understand what is affecting you or your loved one. You don't need to be a neurosurgeon to know what's behind a certain brain disease. In the pages below we've compiled quality information on various brain illness and conditions. Take a look. Overcoming really starts with understanding! Once you become an expert on your particular brain disease, the fear will evaporate and you will be able to begin on the healing road to coping and overcoming!
Brain Surgery

Unfortunately, in medicine not every ailment can be treated successfully from the 'outside'. Sometimes to properly treat a condition doctors need to operate on the actual diseased region of the body. Any medical operation is a delicate series of procedures that need to be executed flawlessly. Nowhere on on the body is this especially true as it is in the brain. Brain surgery is an extremely difficult and sensitive type of surgery that requires tremendous skill and years of training. Luckily for us, understanding brain surgery isn't as difficult.
Brain Testing

Brain testing is a huge endeavour! There are a multitude of tests out there for the brain and mind. All of us love the way these tests can quantify our intelligence or aptitude. We love them, ourselves cause they tell us how smart we are (or not). Our bosses and schools love them cause they rank our aptitudes against eachother. And the academics love them cause they provide a window into our thoughts and the workings of a single mind. So just what are these brain tests and how exactly can they help?
Baby's Brain Power

How can we increase baby brain power? Everybody wants to give their children the best start possible. From the moment they are born our babies are sponges for information and behavior. They start learning inside the womb. Their senses are picking up every single detail possible, absorbing the new world around them. That world, by the time they are ready for it, is going to be pretty tough and competitive. So we want to give our kids the headstart as early as we can.
Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury can be a life altering event. It can happen in the blink of an eye and seem like a simple bump on the noggen but have consequences for a lifetime. It can result in comas, amnesia and even death. The best counter-measure against injury is prevention. Always protect your head from injury as best you can! It never hurts to where a helmet. But incase, against all your best efforts, you or someone you know becomes a victim of TBI learn about how to deal with TBI outcomes and how to recover from them.
Brain Training

Brain training has been publicised quite a lot over the past few years and that is because experts have realised just how important our brain health is to our overall well being and quality of life. If you want to live a happy and healthy life, you need to have a well functioning, healthy brain. Just like the muscles in your body, your brain is a 'use it or lose it' organ. You know when muscles arent used very much they begin to get weak and atrophy, the exact same thing can happen to your brain! If you let it languish for too long it will start losing its potency. You gotta keep those brain cells strong and alert! There are tons of exercises and programs (not to mention brain teasers and puzzles) that can help you keep your brain fit and cognitively firing on all cylinders! Being buff isn't just for those dumb muscle cells anymore!
Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are excellent brain training and co-ordination improvement tools and are quite fun! In particular, they develop your abilities to reason, analyze, sequence, deduce, logical thought processes and problem solving skills. These types of puzzles also improve hand-eye co-ordination and develop a good working sense of spatial arrangements. In schools and other training establishments, jigsaw puzzles are extensively used as learning aids.
Brain Teasers and Puzzles

Have you been hankering for a little lateral thinking? Need to solve a problem? Wanna give your noodle a little work out? Looking for that bit of brain stimulation that's just right? Look no further! We're continually compiling a list of mind benders, brain teasers and puzzles. All with different difficulties and themes so there's puzzles that are right for everyone!

What is the brain?

The brain is the organ in a person's skull that controls the functions of all of the other organs. Together, the brain and spine

make up the central nervous system. The brain is responsible for the experience of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing

and smell). The brain is also the seat of thought, language, personality, creativity and memory. The brain controls movement,

sensation, balance, and coordination. In order to do its job, the brain requires an enormous amount of the oxygen and nutrient

energy that a person takes in regularly.

The brain is comprised of nerve cells (called neurons) which carry signals, and the cells which support the nerve cells (called

glial cells ). There are a number of different types of glial cells, all with different names and functions. The glial cells

outnumber the neurons in the brain by a ratio of 10:1

Brain Tumor Symptoms

Depending on the location and size of the tumor, symptoms experienced by each patient may vary. Most of the common symptoms are due

to increased intracranial pressure as the growing tumor affects surrounding structures:

* Frequent headaches (reported by 50% of patients)
* Blurry vision
* Nausea and/or vomiting
* Personality or cognitive changes

Other symptoms are site-specific, including seizures, speech impairment, weakness or numbness on one side and problems with

coordination, balance or mobility.

Types of Brain Tumors

There are many different types of brain tumors, based on what cells are affected and how they appear under a microscope. Tumors can

be classified into four general categories:



3)Grade I (pilocytic astrocytoma): slow growing, with little tendency to infiltrate surrounding brain tissue. Most common in

children and adolescents.

4)Grade II (diffuse astrocytoma): fairly slow-growing, with some tendency to infiltrate surrounding brain tissue. Mostly seen in

young adults.

5)Grade III (anaplastic/malignant astrocytoma): these tumors grow rather quickly and infiltrate surrounding brain tissue.

6)Grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme, GBM): an extremely aggressive and lethal form of brain cancer. Unfortunately, it is the most

common form of brain tumor in adults, accounting for 67% of all astrocytomas.


Tests on your cancer cells

Your breast cancer cells can be tested to see if they have 'hormone receptors' or biological therapy receptors. There are

oestrogen receptors and progesterone receptors. You may hear your doctor talk about 'your oestrogen receptor status', 'ER status'

or 'PR status'. Sometimes, doctors may say you are 'ER positive' or 'ER negative'.



When possible, brain tumors are removed through surgery. While many can be removed with little or no damage to the brain, others

are located where surgical removal is difficult or impossible without destroying critical parts of the brain.

Brain damage caused by surgery can lead to partial paralysis, changes in sensation (feeling), weakness and poor thinking. Even so,

removing a tumor is necessary when it threatens important brain structures. Even when it can't cure a malignancy, surgery can help

reduce the size of the tumor, ease symptoms and help determine the type of tumor
2)Radiation Therapy

Your Amazing Brain - Brain Training Therapy

The truth is that nearly anything that can be said about your brain in an absolute sense is not true. This statement is true, not because we don't know a lot about the brain, we do; and more is being learned about it every day. The statement is true because the brain is such a vast, intricate and interconnected system of systems and processes that anything we can say about must be qualified by, " far as we know today..." or "In one sense, it can be said..."

Your brain is composed of somewhere between 100 and 200 billion neurons! Any single neuron can have as many as 100 thousand connections! The number of permutation possible in the brain exceeds our best estimate for the number of elementary particles in the Universe! Everything you sense, the totality of your experience of the world and each other, all of the ways you discern and label one thing as distinguished from another, all of your assessments and judgments, our ideas, our concepts and beliefs, all of our emotionally infused signification of your relations, all of your inspirations and aspirations are the experience of the neurological activity within this specialized 3 to 4 pounds of tissue, floating within a sac of fluid in your head. Can you see why I think it is so amazing?

And yet most of the time, just like all of the mysterious miracles we are by which we are continuously surrounded and confronted, we are completely oblivious to what's going on within our head that allows me, for instance, to be thinking about all this, typing it into the computer, editing as I go along, intermittently noticing the sunlight changing color as the breeze blows through the trees outside the window, wondering what I'll be preparing for dinner.

It has often been said that your brain is actually three brains in one. Deep within your brain is the more primitive, "reptilian," brain that automatically orients us toward the five Fs, feeding, fornicating, fleeing, fighting and freezing. This brain is pretty much hard-wired and functional at birth. It is nested within your second, "mammalian," brain which is more relational and emotional. The functioning of this limbic brain is developed in the physical, face-to-face relationship with your primary care taker, usually, this is the child's mother. We each learn how to read other's emotions and intentions from very subtle cues in their voice tones and facial expressions.

The third brain covers and wraps around the lymbic brain and is called the neo-cortex. This brain allows you to recognize patterns, to create music and art and ideas, to speak and understand language, to reason, to reflect and, it seems, to be conscious of your consciousness. This brain is in development until a person is in their early twenties!

The pre-frontal cortex is being considered by some people to be a fourth brain.

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