Home Based Business

Do your family and friends support your business venture?

If you are married, or have a partner, do they agree with you starting a business? What do the members of your family think about you becoming self-employed? Do they and you realize just how much your life will change by spending more of your valuable time running your own business?

Is your family prepared to support your commitment to begin a business that may risk their financial security?

Are they also prepared to have you spend less time with them and do they realize that the spare cash that was always available, to spend on luxuries, might be gobbled up by your business.

Ask yourself, if I run the business from home:

What will the business demand from the amount of space I have available at home? It's a proven fact, that a shortage of space can cause friction amongst family members.

How will the business infringe on my, families personal space at home? The invasion of someone's personal space can cause resentment.

Can I develop a management plan to use our household space so that it accommodates my family and my business without causing a major upset? Good planning is what a business needs for success, and planning efficient use of your space at home will give you the experience to begin to organize your business.

Have you any experience, or taken a business course on how to manage a small business? All business experience, at whatever level of expertise, will always help towards you seeing problems in your business before they develop.

Have you discussed your business idea, business plan, or proposed business with a business advisor or counselor, and received any advice? Good professional advice is a valuable asset in starting your enterprise. Avoiding and being aware of the pitfalls of a startup business is priceless.

Do you have a family member or relative who owns a successful business, who you can ask advice? Again having someone experienced to turn to for free advice is a huge bonus.


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