Who else can contribute to your business?

Two years ago I effectively had a network of about 50 people including my friends - I was shy, introverted and mostly preferred my own company! Not only that, I really didn't want anyone to see me - I rather liked being invisible!! Or so I told myself...

Now, my network extends to thousands of people, I've become a coach, mentor, author and speaker, and I enjoy personal connections with more phenomenal people than I thought existed!!

What changed? Firstly I became aware that I could offer so much more to the world if I would follow my bliss. This bliss is evolving into an enormous vision that will create more joy and ease with people all over the world.

The phenomenal size and intent of my vision and my commitment to living it daily has allowed me to be as generative, joyful, inspirational, expansive, captivating, and spectacular as I truly be... (and no, it wasn't a 10 second transformation - it did take a little bit of focus on getting rid of the blocks that had put me in that unblissful disconnected place originally!)

Being that energy of bliss and inspiration and expansiveness has attracted amazing connections for me - neither I nor my business would be what we are today without the contribution of so many people... When I stopped playing small and insignificant, the universe started delivering big!!

What would it take for you to start living beyond your imagination? Who could you meet that could transform your life into living and working blissfully? Who do you need to know that you aren't connected with yet?

There's only one way to find out and that's to start getting connected!

Online: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are fabulous starting points - or particpate in a forum with topics that interest you. Offline: Local networking groups, Local MeetUp groups and being the invitation with people you already know will get you started...

Want to connect your business to the people who make a difference online? The Content Marketing Made Simple Playshop on March 22 will help you design a connection strategy based on your knowledge and expertise!


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