Mesothelioma Misconceptions

Misconception: Mesothelioma is a lung cancer.
Reality: Mesothelioma is not a lung cancer but a cancer of the mesothelial cells which make up the lining of the lungs and other organs. Mesothelioma symptoms can closely mimic those of lung cancer because they affect the respiratory system much in the same way.

Misconception: Mesothelioma cancer is untreatable.
Reality: There is no known mesothelioma cure. Mesothelioma treatment is available however with a number of different therapies including surgery, mesothelioma radiation, and chemotherapeutic drugs. These therapies and alternative mesothelioma treatments can extend the patient mesothelioma survival rates far longer than untreated disease.

Misconception: There is no help available for mesothelioma patients and their families.
Reality: Patients of mesothelioma were typically exposed to asbestos. Many are eligible for financial compensation if they were wrongly exposed by working with a mesothelioma attorney. This financial assistance can help patients gain access to the best treatments and give security to their families.

Common Misspellings

Mesothelioma is a commonly misspelled word. Below are some common permutations of the word's spelling.


National Cancer Institute


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